Archives for Rossbrook House

Thanks Red River Coop

Thank You to Red River Co-op for supporting the Healthy Kitchen program at Rossbrook House.   With the on-going support- of Red River Co-op, Rossbrook House continues to provide 2 meals a day to children and youth who drop-in after school and on weekends.     Red River Coop has been a supporter of Rossbrook House for many years. We are grateful for all that they do for the children and youth of Rossbrook House!
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From Participant to Junior Staff

Hiring from Within A long-standing tradition at Rossbrook House is hiring our staff from within. Many of our Junior Staff are participants first. We’re proud to be able to give so many young people in our community their first job! One of the most recent Junior Staff hires is Dale. He started dropping-in to Rossbrook House in 2017 when he was 9 years old. He and his younger siblings would walk directly after school. At that time, he shared that he had been to other community centres and other programs in the city and preferred the programs and staff at
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Q&A with Jeff Coleman

Jeff Coleman Rossbrook House Foundation Director and Fund Development Committee Chair. How/when did you first hear about Rossbrook House? I had heard the name Rossbrook House from various sources most notably from the women of St Charles Country Club who, for a number of years, had selected Rossbrook House as the recipient of funds from an annual golf tournament. Beyond that, I had little knowledge or understanding of what Rossbrook House did. Then in 2016 I was invited to a luncheon with former Foundation Board members Gord Webster and Bill Watchorn. That was my first real exposure to Rossbrook House. What
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Depave project

Mother Earth, We Love You Rossbrook House and Green Action Centre have teamed up with  Depave Paradise project to remove the concrete in front of Rossbrook House. We will be creating a beautiful garden/green space for all to enjoy later this spring. The new frontage will be called Maamaa-Ahki Gizaagi-igoo: Mother Earth, We Love You. Working with Josep Seras Gubert, Sustainability Projects Coordinator from Green Action Centre has been enjoyable and inspiring. We can’t wait to share the new space with our neighbours. Past depaving projects have included rain gardens, edible gardens, sensory gardens, naturalization, planting of trees, and green playgrounds.
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Citizenship Award

IODE: Jon Sigurdsson Chapter honoured Rossbrook House staff member Sheila with a Citizenship Award. Sheila received this Citizenship Award for her work with children and youth at Rossbrook House.   Sheila has been a part of the Rossbrook House community for many years — as a participant, student and staff. She was the first student at Rising Sun. She formed great bonds with Sisters Bernadette O’Reilly and Margaret Hughes. She later worked with Sister Margaret at Wi Wabigooni as the educational assistant. When she retired… she thought she’d come and lend a hand at Rossbrook House. Since 2016 she has become
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Pow Wow Memories

The annual Rossbrook House Pow Wow is a cherished tradition. So many dancers have so many great memories from the last (almost) 40 years. Click here to watch our video The beginning…   In the early 1980s Millie Stonechild began to work with a group of students at Eagles’ Circle, sharing teachings and culture. In the process, the students began to learn pow wow dancing.  The first Rossbrook House Pow Wow was held in 1982 in a church basement with taped music playing on a cassette player. Wi Wabigooni students joined with the Eagles’ Circle dancers for that pow wow. Sister Margaret
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