LET Youth Program

The LET Youth Program (also known as Junior Staff) is an important part of Rossbrook House history. For almost 50 years Rossbrook House has been hiring LET Youth from among the participants. They receive training in life skills and employment skills that enhance their self-esteem, sense of belonging, and employability.

The LET Youth’s primary duty is engagement with the children. Their shifts can include working with the Young Mothers’ program, and the Learning Always program. They also provide hosting and other duties for many Rossbrook House events. They take turns working in the kitchen, cleaning, and preparing meals for the participants. They also assist the Senior Staff with large outings and van rides.

The LET Youth staff are willing to share their ideas and feelings with the public. More than half have grown up at Rossbrook House. They express what they’ve learned and how they’ve grown emotionally. Public speaking has been a part of Rossbrook House since the beginning.

Current Junior Staff team member Asher told reporter Clay Young that Rossbrook House “just really changed my life.”

Listen to Asher’s full interview on CJOB from June 16, 2024. Click here.

Former participant and staff member Tim tells the story of growing up at Rossbrook House and how he learned his work ethic from the older staff members. He says he learned that “a full-time job is a commitment. If I could get a shift, I would take it.” And; “You get what you give, you put in hard work, you get results,” he said.

Hear more about Tim’s experience as a former Junior Staff. Click here.

By providing jobs for youth, we are not only providing role models for the younger children, but we are also creating future leaders. It’s something to be proud of. And we are.

Dale became a Junior Staff when he was 13. He had the dream of getting his first job at the place where he was hanging out every day with his brother and sister.

“If I’m being completely honest, I was ten years old when I first thought about being a Junior Staff,” Dale said. “It’s crazy to think that all of these programs at Rossbrook House have helped me become a Junior Staff. Going from being a little kid in the programs we have; Leadership, Learning Always. It’s a big process but it happened.”

Read Dale’s story to learn more about his experience becoming a Junior Staff member: Click here.

Click here to read more from our Junior Staff team. They were recently asked about their experiences as long-time participants and as Junior Staff. Many will say that the best part of their day is spending time with the kids. Creating leaders and full-circle moments!

Click here to read the Winnipeg Free Press article from 2022.

Click here to watch Junior Staff Asher talking to Clay Young on Global Morning in April, 2024.

Listen to Junior Staff Asher sharing his experiences with Rossbrook House on CJOB radio in April, 2024.

Click to watch/listen to Asher’s interview.