Rossbrook House values our volunteers and recognizes their commitment to the children and youth coming through the doors. Volunteers help to accomplish the mission of making Rossbrook House a safe place for children and youth to belong, play, learn and become… Volunteers support the vision of Sister MacNamara; “No child who does not want to be alone should ever have to be.”
Rossbrook volunteers are recruited, oriented, directed and appraised by the Rossbrook House Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator strives to involve volunteers in meaningful ways that reflect their abilities, needs, and backgrounds.
Contact Sheila Chippastance, Volunteer Coordinator:
Individual Volunteers
Volunteers are required to fill out the Rossbrook Volunteer Application form (download form) and a resume may be requested.
All individual volunteers will be required to submit to the Child Abuse Registry check as well as a Police Criminal Records and Vulnerable Persons Sector check.
These checks will be:
- completed before regular volunteer shifts begin
- after meeting with the Volunteer Coordinator
- working one or two trial shifts supervised by the Coordinator
- Paid for by Rossbrook House
Each volunteer will have a volunteer orientation at the start of their first volunteer session.
Volunteers are required to commit to a minimum 3-month commitment. A progress evaluation meeting will be held at 6 week intervals with the volunteer coordinator.
Group Volunteer Engagement
Groups wanting a volunteer engagement experience will contact, and in most cases meet in person with, the Volunteer Coordinator. Events or outings, usually of 3 to 4 hours duration, will be planned in collaboration.
Click here to download the volunteer form.