Ms. Patricia Mainville, executive director of Rossbrook House, received Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal, created by the Province of Manitoba, at a ceremony on September 26, 2022. The presentation was held at Government House by the Honourable Janice C. Filmon, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. The Platinum Jubilee Medal celebrates the 70th anniversary year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne, which began on February 6, 2022. One thousand Manitobans will be receiving the medal and Patty was one of the first seventy presented with this honour. The award is presented to those Manitobans who have
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Archives for Rossbrook House
Order of Canada for Sisters Bernadette and Margaret
Last month the list of inductees for the 2022 Order of Canada was announced and included Sister Bernadette O’ Reilly and Sister Margaret Hughes. Both Sister Margaret and Sister B., as she is affectionately known at Rossbrook House, are beloved and respected at Rossbrook House. Their dedication to the children and youth of Rossbrook House is well documented through their work. Both will be inducted as members of the Order of Canada, along with 69 others. “The complementary team of Sister Bernadette and Sister Margaret put reconciliation into their actions since moving into the inner-city of Winnipeg in the 1970’s.
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Mother Earth, We Love You
Rossbrook House and Green Action Centre have teamed up with Depave Paradise project and removed concrete in front of Rossbrook House to create a beautiful garden/green space for all to enjoy. The new frontage is called Maamaa-Ahki Gizaagi-igoo: Mother Earth, We Love You. Since the planting: Have you checked out the new garden in front of Rossbrook House yet? Not only did many children and youth assist with the planting, they are also committed to keeping the new area looking beautiful! Thank you to our garden team who are keeping our newly planted garden looking great. They are weeding, watering
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Phil Chiappetta Opportunities Fund
Looking Forward
Have you ever asked yourself …. How can I continue to make a difference once I’m gone? …. How can I ensure my values continue being valued? Making a Planned Gift can answer both of these questions. Planned gifts are major gifts made in collaboration with a donor’s financial and/or estate planning. These can include, but are not limited to, bequests and naming the charity of your choice as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Some individuals who arrange for a planned gift choose to keep it to themselves while others choose to inform the charity they’ve
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Rossbrook House Hires New Executive Director Rossbrook House Board of Directors is thrilled to announce the hiring of Patricia Mainville as the incoming Executive Director of both Rossbrook House and the Rossbrook House Foundation. Patty begins her tenure as Executive Director on September 6, 2022, alongside outgoing Executive Director Phil Chiappetta, who will officially retire at the end of September. “As our beloved Phil steps down, we couldn’t imagine a better person to guide our way into a new era of Rossbrook House,” said Board President, Brenda Hasiuk. “We interviewed several very qualified candidates, and Pat brings a mix of
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Increase Support Without Wallet Taking Bigger Hit
Did you know that you can increase your support without your wallet taking a bigger hit? Many employers, both Canadian and American, have matching gift programs. Some employers not only match financial support to a not-for-profit, they’ll also provide a financial contribution as a match to employees’ volunteer hours. Does your employer have a program like this? Just ask. It’s likely your HR department or intranet system would have some information on this. And if not, they may be open to creating one. This is a great way for employers to enhance their reputation with corporate responsibility. Are you
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Elgin House
Learn more about Rossbrook House Foundation
“The smiles say it all. It’s been a pleasure meeting the families at Rossbrook. We all have a story to tell and lessons to learn,” says Jane Quinton, Rossbrook House Foundation Chair. Rossbrook House Foundation was created in 2006 to financially support Rossbrook House, an inner-city drop-in centre for children and youth. The Foundation is made up of volunteer board, and committee, members who believe in the mission and vision of Rossbrook House. Tom Dooley was involved in helping to set up the Foundation in 2005 to raise funds and help provide sustainable funding to support the programs
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