Archives for winnipeg
Rossbrook House Necklace
Hilary Druxman creates a ‘Good Works’ necklace for Rossbrook House in collaboration with a 14-year-old Rossbrook House youth. Hilary Druxman Design gives back to the community through the creation of her Good Works pieces. In partnership with several organizations, Hilary creates a one-of-a-kind necklace or bracelet that represents the spirit of the non-profit. Hilary spent several months with Rossbrook House youth, 14-year-old Breanna Mink. Going through many inspiring sketches of Breanna’s, Hilary and her team selected one that represents the guiding principle of Rossbrook House; No child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be.
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Donation Methods & Associated Costs
A few years ago, Rossbrook House Foundation reached out to you, our supporters, to seek feedback and hear what you thought about Rossbrook House. One of the questions we asked was about your preferred method of making a financial donation and one respondent told us that it “should be whatever method is most cost effective for Rossbrook House”. With that in mind, we have looked at the costs associated with the different methods of making a financial donation and wanted to share our findings with you. Our hope is that you find this information useful in deciding what method of
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No Child Alone Dinner 2023
Rossbrook House Foundation is hosting the No Child Alone Dinner, Thursday, April 27, 2023 This fundraising dinner is in support of Rossbrook House programs and activities. Doors Open 5:30pm | Program Starts 6:30pm Business Formal Attire Ticket sales have closed. Click here to make a donation to this event! Or contact Stephanie at or 204.949.4092 Ticket & table purchases include a partial tax receipt following CRA regulations. Everyone in attendance will be entered into a draw for a one-night staycation at a luxury Airbnb donated by Roam Rentals. Join us as we bring Rossbrook House to the RBC
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Tiniki | Merci | Miigwech | Thank you | Pilamayaye We’re reflecting on all that we are grateful for. Rossbrook House staff and volunteers work to ensure that no child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be. Staff and volunteers are valuable on both the front lines working directly with Rossbrook House participants and behind-the-scenes working to ensure the required resources are there. Learn more about the amazing volunteers at Rossbrook House and the Foundation. Click here. Rossbrook House partners, including Winnipeg School Division, Manitoba Justice and Youth Agency Alliance, strengthen the programming Rossbrook House
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Thank You Phil
Thanking Phil Chiappetta for 42 years of service to children and youth and the Rossbrook House community. Many community members and leaders are expressing their gratitude and admiration to Phil Chiappetta as he retires from his 42-year career with Rossbrook House. You can read more about Phil here. Thank you to the Winnipeg Police Service for creating this video.
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WELCOME TO 2022/23
With the arrival of September, Rossbrook House Foundation welcomes new Executive Director Patricia Mainville and the 2022/23 Foundation Board of Directors, chaired by Jane Quinton. Patricia Mainville Pat is Anishinaabe, and a proud mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She has a long history with Rossbrook House – a former participant, a junior staff member, a graduate of Rising Sun School, and later a Board member. She has also been giving back over many years as a dance and cultural advisor for the annual Rossbrook House Pow Wow. Recently retired from a 20-year career as a teacher and principal in the Winnipeg
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Celebrating Phil Chiappetta
On Thursday, September 22, Rossbrook staff and Board of Directors held a community barbecue and family-friendly farewell party for our beloved leader. After 42 years with the organization – and leading the team as Executive Director since 2016 — Phil is retiring. Wearing a variety of hats over the years, he has been a mentor, confidante, friend, and fearless leader. His relaxed style, sense of humour, and kindness will be missed by all. “For his entire career, Phil devoted his enormous heart and gentle but formidable leadership skills to the young people of Rossbrook House,” said Brenda Hasiuk,
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Executive Director Receives Special Honour
Ms. Patricia Mainville, executive director of Rossbrook House, received Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal, created by the Province of Manitoba, at a ceremony on September 26, 2022. The presentation was held at Government House by the Honourable Janice C. Filmon, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. The Platinum Jubilee Medal celebrates the 70th anniversary year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne, which began on February 6, 2022. One thousand Manitobans will be receiving the medal and Patty was one of the first seventy presented with this honour. The award is presented to those Manitobans who have
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