Archives for Rossbrook House

You’re Invited

History of the Dinner The first No Child Alone Dinner was held in January 2016, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Rossbrook House Inc.. It was the first ever dinner of this calibre in its 40-year history…. And was a tad different than the events previously held for participants. Chaired by now Rossbrook House Board President, Brenda Hasiuk, January 28, 2016, saw 575 individuals come together in celebration. The evening, emceed by former Wi Wabigooni EA, Tina Keeper, included a performance by the Rossbrook Rockers, remarks by current & former participants, a video by APTN – highlighting Rossbrook House as a “safe
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Make it Monthly!

Have you been thinking about becoming a monthly donor?   “Monthly donations are like a monthly pause; a way for me to remember, to honour and to support the embrace that is Rossbrook House for so many.” – Maria Vigna, monthly donor & former Rossbrook House Co-Executive Director Become one this month and we’ll receive an additional $20 from CanadaHelps in support of Rossbrook House programs & operations. DONATE NOW HERE “Giving monthly helps me budget, I never miss making my donation and Rossbrook is able to count on my support.” – Ron Bailey, monthly donor & Past Chair, Rossbrook
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Thanks Red River Coop

Thank You to Red River Co-op for supporting the Healthy Kitchen program at Rossbrook House.   With the ongoing support- of Red River Co-op, Rossbrook House continues to provide 2 meals a day to children and youth who drop in after school and on weekends, as well as the students in the Eagles’ Circle school program.   Red River Coop has been a supporter of Rossbrook House for many years. We are grateful for all that they do for the children and youth of Rossbrook House!      
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Can you help?

Thank you to all who have donated. The work has begun as of late summer/early fall 2023. Rossbrook House needs your help. We need to raise $150,000 for cleaner air and a safer physical environment. Rossbrook House is working with Rossbrook House Foundation to better serve the children and youth who drop in for learning, fun, and daily meals. The heating and air conditioning system at 658 Ross Avenue needs to be upgraded. We need a new HVAC system and mould remediation. At the same time, we want to add sound-absorbing material in the main hall so that the acoustics are
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Happy New Year.

Hello from Patty Mainville: Whether you are a donor, a follower on social media, or a former participant—however you choose to support Rossbrook House, your involvement is deeply appreciated.   As a Rossbrook House supporter you’ve helped keep the doors open each day of the year for the 2478 children and youth who walked through them. Making sure there was a place open 24 hours every weekend and throughout the school holidays. You also helped provide daily healthy meals and snacks to the kids and gave them the opportunity to learn healthy nutritional cooking options in our kitchen. You’ve also
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Creating Leaders

Creating Leaders at Rossbrook House   When Rossbrook House Foundation brings Rossbrook House to the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg next spring, the fundraising gala will be emceed by two people who know the drop-in centre very well. Colleen Simard and Dale Turcotte have inspiring stories to share at the No Child Alone Dinner, on April 27, 2023. Colleen is a volunteer Rossbrook House Board Director who hung out at the drop-in centre when she was just fifteen. “I’d come from up North and I was so happy to find a place where I could have a safe place to
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Stuff the Bus

  Thank you Winnipeg Paramedics & friends!   Winnipeg Paramedics put out a call to stuff the bus and pack an ambulance full of toys and warm clothing for Rossbrook House children and youth! The response was overwhelming.   Two filled ambulances arrived at Rossbrook House with dozens of volunteers and Santa! Participants received gifts, and a hot meal.     A line of volunteer students as well as the children of Rossbrook House, helped to carry in the DOZENS of boxes and bags that included gifts for the participants, plus other donations of socks, warm outerwear, craft supplies, beading
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Thank you Kiwanis Club of Winnipeg

50 excited shoppers took a trip to Toys R Us with $50 each to spend! Children and youth from Rossbrook House were accompanied by youth from Vincent Massey Collegiate Key Club on a shopping trip December 3, 2022, thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Winnipeg. Kiwanis Club of Winnipeg generously arranged for 50 children and youth to go on a shopping trip- for themselves- to Toys R Us. Youth from the Key Club, who regularly fundraise for community groups in Winnipeg, eagerly assisted the young shoppers with their purchases.   The Rossbrook House participants bought toys, games, and whatever their
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Home Away From Home

Message from Executive Director Patty Mainville: Rossbrook House Foundation is so appreciative of your continued love and generosity in making a difference for the children and youth who drop in to Rossbrook House. I’m reaching out to ask you to continue your commitment to Rossbrook House by making a gift today. Donating is easy to do, click here.     Rossbrook House supporters share a deep-rooted belief in the goodness of the place that many young people in the Rossbrook House community call a home away from home. It is a place where you have invested to make a difference
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