Want to give back while raising awareness? Want to support more than your budget allows? Have a special occasion coming up and don’t want gifts that’ll add to your dusting or be re-gifted? How about asking people to donate to Rossbrook House Foundation in your honour? In addition to a thank you card & tax receipt, first-time supporters will receive some information on Rossbrook House Donors can request that a card be sent to you, notifying you that a gift has been made We can keep you apprised as to who donates, the number of donations & total raised In
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Archives for Rossbrook House Foundation
New Year Resolutions and a Strategic Plan
It’s the time of year when many start thinking about implementing their New Year’s Resolutions. Some resolutions may focus on one’s physical or mental health, such as going to the gym. Others may focus around giving back to the community, such as volunteering or donating. When we think about New Year’s Resolutions, what are they really? They’re goal(s) to reach in the coming year. Rossbrook House Foundation Board and Staff came together this past fall to reflect and look forward with the goal of creating a Strategic Plan. This Strategic Plan was approved in December and similar to New Year’s
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Can you help?
Thank you to all who have donated. The work has begun as of late summer/early fall 2023. Rossbrook House needs your help. We need to raise $150,000 for cleaner air and a safer physical environment. Rossbrook House is working with Rossbrook House Foundation to better serve the children and youth who drop in for learning, fun, and daily meals. The heating and air conditioning system at 658 Ross Avenue needs to be upgraded. We need a new HVAC system and mould remediation. At the same time, we want to add sound-absorbing material in the main hall so that the acoustics are
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Creating Leaders
Creating Leaders at Rossbrook House When Rossbrook House Foundation brings Rossbrook House to the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg next spring, the fundraising gala will be emceed by two people who know the drop-in centre very well. Colleen Simard and Dale Turcotte have inspiring stories to share at the No Child Alone Dinner, on April 27, 2023. Colleen is a volunteer Rossbrook House Board Director who hung out at the drop-in centre when she was just fifteen. “I’d come from up North and I was so happy to find a place where I could have a safe place to
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Home Away From Home
Message from Executive Director Patty Mainville: Rossbrook House Foundation is so appreciative of your continued love and generosity in making a difference for the children and youth who drop in to Rossbrook House. I’m reaching out to ask you to continue your commitment to Rossbrook House by making a gift today. Donating is easy to do, click here. Rossbrook House supporters share a deep-rooted belief in the goodness of the place that many young people in the Rossbrook House community call a home away from home. It is a place where you have invested to make a difference
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Paint Afternoon
Rossbrook House Foundation presents Paint Afternoon Fundraiser in support of Rossbrook House. Sunday, January 29, 2023 Doors open at 1:30pm Painting begins at 2:00pm $40 per person Ticket sales are now closed. If you have questions, please contact Stephanie at slambert@rossbrookhouse.ca Artist Kisa MacIsaac will guide you through each step to create this colourful and serene prairie painting, called Wild Prairie Sunrise. This beautiful painting was created by Kisa and she will guide you through each step to make one of your own! Never painted before? No problem. This workshop is ideal for all skill levels! Join us
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Rossbrook House Necklace
Hilary Druxman creates a ‘Good Works’ necklace for Rossbrook House in collaboration with a 14-year-old Rossbrook House youth. Hilary Druxman Design gives back to the community through the creation of her Good Works pieces. In partnership with several organizations, Hilary creates a one-of-a-kind necklace or bracelet that represents the spirit of the non-profit. Hilary spent several months with Rossbrook House youth, 14-year-old Breanna Mink. Going through many inspiring sketches of Breanna’s, Hilary and her team selected one that represents the guiding principle of Rossbrook House; No child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be.
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Donation Methods & Associated Costs
A few years ago, Rossbrook House Foundation reached out to you, our supporters, to seek feedback and hear what you thought about Rossbrook House. One of the questions we asked was about your preferred method of making a financial donation and one respondent told us that it “should be whatever method is most cost effective for Rossbrook House”. With that in mind, we have looked at the costs associated with the different methods of making a financial donation and wanted to share our findings with you. Our hope is that you find this information useful in deciding what method of
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No Child Alone Dinner 2023
Rossbrook House Foundation is hosting the No Child Alone Dinner, Thursday, April 27, 2023 This fundraising dinner is in support of Rossbrook House programs and activities. Doors Open 5:30pm | Program Starts 6:30pm Business Formal Attire Ticket sales have closed. Click here to make a donation to this event! Or contact Stephanie at slambert@rossbrookhouse.ca or 204.949.4092 Ticket & table purchases include a partial tax receipt following CRA regulations. Everyone in attendance will be entered into a draw for a one-night staycation at a luxury Airbnb donated by Roam Rentals. Join us as we bring Rossbrook House to the RBC
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Tiniki | Merci | Miigwech | Thank you | Pilamayaye We’re reflecting on all that we are grateful for. Rossbrook House staff and volunteers work to ensure that no child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be. Staff and volunteers are valuable on both the front lines working directly with Rossbrook House participants and behind-the-scenes working to ensure the required resources are there. Learn more about the amazing volunteers at Rossbrook House and the Foundation. Click here. Rossbrook House partners, including Winnipeg School Division, Manitoba Justice and Youth Agency Alliance, strengthen the programming Rossbrook House
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