Archives for Rossbrook House Foundation

Thank You Phil

Thanking Phil Chiappetta for 42 years of service to children and youth and the Rossbrook House community.   Many community members and leaders are expressing their gratitude and admiration to Phil Chiappetta as he retires from his 42-year career with Rossbrook House.     You can read more about Phil here. Thank you to the Winnipeg Police Service for creating this video.
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WELCOME TO 2022/23

With the arrival of September, Rossbrook House Foundation welcomes new Executive Director Patricia Mainville and the 2022/23 Foundation Board of Directors, chaired by Jane Quinton. Patricia Mainville Pat is Anishinaabe, and a proud mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She has a long history with Rossbrook House – a former participant, a junior staff member, a graduate of Rising Sun School, and later a Board member. She has also been giving back over many years as a dance and cultural advisor for the annual Rossbrook House Pow Wow. Recently retired from a 20-year career as a teacher and principal in the Winnipeg
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Celebrating Phil Chiappetta

On Thursday, September 22, Rossbrook staff and Board of Directors held a community barbecue and family-friendly farewell party for our beloved leader. After 42 years with the organization – and leading the team as Executive Director since 2016 — Phil is retiring. Wearing a variety of hats over the years, he has been a mentor, confidante, friend, and fearless leader. His relaxed style, sense of humour, and kindness will be missed by all.     “For his entire career, Phil devoted his enormous heart and gentle but formidable leadership skills to the young people of Rossbrook House,” said Brenda Hasiuk,
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Looking Forward

Have you ever asked yourself …. How can I continue to make a difference once I’m gone? …. How can I ensure my values continue being valued?   Making a Planned Gift can answer both of these questions.   Planned gifts are major gifts made in collaboration with a donor’s financial and/or estate planning. These can include, but are not limited to, bequests and naming the charity of your choice as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Some individuals who arrange for a planned gift choose to keep it to themselves while others choose to inform the charity they’ve
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Increase Support Without Wallet Taking Bigger Hit

Did you know that you can increase your support without your wallet taking a bigger hit? Many employers, both Canadian and American, have matching gift programs. Some employers not only match financial support to a not-for-profit, they’ll also provide a financial contribution as a match to employees’ volunteer hours.   Does your employer have a program like this? Just ask. It’s likely your HR department or intranet system would have some information on this. And if not, they may be open to creating one. This is a great way for employers to enhance their reputation with corporate responsibility. Are you
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Learn more about Rossbrook House Foundation

  “The smiles say it all. It’s been a pleasure meeting the families at Rossbrook. We all have a story to tell and lessons to learn,” says Jane Quinton, Rossbrook House Foundation Chair.   Rossbrook House Foundation was created in 2006 to financially support Rossbrook House, an inner-city drop-in centre for children and youth. The Foundation is made up of volunteer board, and committee, members who believe in the mission and vision of Rossbrook House.   Tom Dooley was involved in helping to set up the Foundation in 2005 to raise funds and help provide sustainable funding to support the programs
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Q&A with Jeff Coleman

Jeff Coleman Rossbrook House Foundation Director and Fund Development Committee Chair. How/when did you first hear about Rossbrook House? I had heard the name Rossbrook House from various sources most notably from the women of St Charles Country Club who, for a number of years, had selected Rossbrook House as the recipient of funds from an annual golf tournament. Beyond that, I had little knowledge or understanding of what Rossbrook House did. Then in 2016 I was invited to a luncheon with former Foundation Board members Gord Webster and Bill Watchorn. That was my first real exposure to Rossbrook House. What
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