Archives for Foundation News

Foundation 2019-2020 Community Report

Click to read the Foundation’s community report for 2019-2020 as well as to read abut upcoming fundraising events. To see the 2019-2020 donor list or to read the Rossbrook House annual report, click here.
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Fundraise for Rossbrook House

  Want to give back while raising awareness?   Have a special occasion coming up and don’t want gifts that’ll add to your dusting or be re-gifted? Consider asking people to donate to Rossbrook House Foundation in lieu of a gift. In charge of your next group outing? Planning a party and trying to think of something different to do? Consider a fundraising event with the proceeds going to Rossbrook House Foundation. You could organize a Social Trivia Night Games Night Sporting Event/Tournament   There are also different organizations that can help you do this, including, but not limited to:
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Ladies Luncheon 2019

Join the Rossbrook House Foundation at the Rossbrook House Ladies Luncheon! Friday October 25, 2019 Rossbrook House, 658 Ross Avenue This event is SOLD OUT. Thank you to all who purchased a ticket.  Donations are always gratefully accepted. Click to make yours! Thank you to Red River College for their continued support of this event! Thank you to our volunteer committee: Jane Quinton – chair Leslie Galloway Katie Krahn Jennefer Nepinak  
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Planned gifts

Rossbrook House Foundation has chosen to use Leave a Legacy Month to spread the word that Rossbrook House is set up to accept planned gifts, including those left in wills. Gifts made today are appreciated and help ensure that “no child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be”. However, planned gifts will make a difference in the lives that follow. Ensuring that in the future Rossbrook House continues to be a safe place for children and youth living in the inner-city of Winnipeg, to belong, play, learn and become… Click here to read more about
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As a member of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP), Rossbrook House is proud to engage with their LEAVE A LEGACY awareness campaign. Rossbrook House Foundation has chosen to use LEAVE A LEGACY Month to spread the word that Rossbrook House is set up to accept planned gifts, including those left in wills. Gifts made today are appreciated and help ensure that “no child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be”. However, planned gifts will make a difference in the lives that follow. Ensuring that in the future Rossbrook House continues to be a safe place
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Keeping up with the growing demand.

Prior estates received have allowed Rossbrook House to improve services and keep up with the growing demand. Estates have been received as part of a donor’s Planned Gift. Planned gifts are major gifts made in collaboration with a donor’s financial &/or estate planning. The most common type of planned gift is a bequest – a gift left in one’s will. With the consistent population and cost-of-living increases, Rossbrook House faces the never-ending challenge of balancing budget with providing for local youth. Planned Gifts have been welcomed supplements to Rossbrook’s core funders and private donors. These supplements allow for investment in
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Rossbrook House By The Numbers!

Rossbrook House is a safe place for children and youth living in the inner-city of Winnipeg, to belong, play, learn and become… As a community-based service for children and youth in Winnipeg’s Inner City, your support and the support from others like you helps ensure our doors remain open, programs remain vibrant and the kitchen program remains nutritious & delicious. Click here to make your donation. Donor support is integral to ensuring Rossbrook House continues to serve as a safe place for children and youth. Rossbrook House Foundation is pleased to offer the donor multiple channels to provide support. Click here
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