Archives for radiothon

Asking for Your Assistance!

  Hello, Since I retired from Peak of the Market, I have increased my time volunteering with Rossbrook House Foundation, and I’m honoured to be the Chair of the Board. I have come to realize that many people haven’t heard of Rossbrook House or the great things they do for our community. I’m dedicated to getting the word out about Rossbrook House and I need your help. I’m excited to share details about the first-ever Radiothon in support of Rossbrook House. On Friday, February 14, the ‘Show Your Heart’ Radiothon will be live on 680 CJOB from 9am to 5pm
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Show Your Heart Radiothon 2025

    Thank you to all who helped to make our first-ever radiothon a success! We were thrilled to be able to share wonderful memories, inspiring stories and  information about our programs with listeners, many of whom had not heard about Rossbrook House before. We’re grateful to each and every donor. Thank you for showing your heart to the children and youth. Thank you to all of the organizations as well, who supported the radiothon through sponsorships and donations. We are humbled by the generosity that this event inspired. Donations are gratefully accepted anytime with a cheque (mailed or dropped
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