Planned Giving

The values of those who make a Planned Gift to Rossbrook House Foundation, will live on at Rossbrook House. Much as the legacy of Sister MacNamara lives on in the hearts and minds of us all.

Planned Gifts are major gifts made in collaboration with a donor’s financial and/or estate planning. The most common type of Planned Gift is a bequest – a gift left in one’s will. However Planned Gifts to Rossbrook House Foundation can also include publicly listed securities and gifts of life insurance.

For more information on making a Planned Gift to Rossbrook House Foundation, please visit our Will Power page, or contact  204.949.4092 or

Thank you to all, known and unknown, who have arranged for a Planned Gift to Rossbrook House Foundation. Those the Foundation is aware of make up our Legacy Circle and include:


List as of May 2022

Click on the names below to read why they chose to become a member of the Rossbrook House Legacy Circle.


Susan Clubb and Tom Pundyk

Michael and Brenda Evans

Tom Dooley

Caroline Hunter

Mary Mathias and Barry Hammond

Jeff and Mary Morton

Bill and Maureen Watchorn

Susan Millican

For more information on our Legacy Circle:

For more information on making a Planned Gift to Rossbrook House Foundation, please contact 204 949-4092 or


Rossbrook House Foundation is a registered Canadian charity with charitable Business Number 80761 4078 RR0001


Will Power is a cross-country initiative designed to inspire Canadians to think differently about giving and consider a gift to charity in their Will. And this is AFTER leaving most of their estate behind for loved ones. is filled with helpful tools, from a Legacy Calculator to resources on financial planning, & Will writing to help you save on taxes, and a directory of financial & legal advisors.