The Foundation exists to assist Rossbrook House in supporting its programs and operations as well as funding its scholarship and award activities.
Rossbrook House Foundation was created in 2006 to help Rossbrook House respond to the growing need to provide a safe place and services to children and youth coming through its doors. The Foundation serves to help Sister MacNamara’s mission, and that of Rossbrook House, that “No child who does not want to be alone, should ever have to be.”
Rossbrook House Foundation provides supporters of Rossbrook’s mission with a vehicle to make financial contributions, including monthly giving, one-time gifts, bequests and more! These gifts will go directly to supporting the day to day activities and programs for Rossbrook House participants.
Rossbrook House Foundation is a registered Canadian charity with charitable Business Number 80761 4078 RR0001
For more information:
Please feel free to contact the Rossbrook House Foundation at 204 949-4092 or