
Cris De Andrade has lived in the neighborhood most of his life. He started hanging out at Rossbrook House when he was 17 years old and started working at Rossbrook after he turned 18. He worked the evening shifts, then day shifts part time, before becoming the kitchen assistant.


In the last couple of years, Cris got his driver’s license, graduated high school, got his own apartment and this past February became the kitchen coordinator.  Anyone who has spent any time with Cris knows that he is very friendly, can chat with anybody and is a determined young man who is sure to be very successful in whatever he pursues.

Cris said some of his favorite moments of being a part of Rossbrook was “being involved in all the activities and getting to meet all of  the people that have walked in here”.


As of September 2018, Cris enrolled in the RB Russell Hairstyling program. This two year program will allow Cris to follow his dreams of becoming a barber.

To help him to achieve these goals, Cris received the Sister Geraldine MacNamara Scholarship in 2018 and 2019.

Cris started his second year of hairstyling school in September 2019. And in July he started his apprenticeship at Regis hair salon Polo Park. He spent the mornings practicing for his red seal exam, and his evenings in the salon cutting hair. In 2020, Cris accumulated his accredited hours. He awaits his final practical exam until after the COVID-19 Pandemic allows for the salons to be open again.