Chairperson’s Report

Rossbrook continues to grow and reinvent itself, keeping in mind its founding principle – “No child who does not want to be alone should ever have to be”.

I would particularly note that we have had an extraordinary year for donations and contributions from our supporters. Due to your generosity, we are able to continue our programming unabated despite funding uncertainties. These donations are truly appreciated and are largely responsible for the existence of Rossbrook House.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express our thanks and appreciation to the staff, to our volunteers, to our funders, and the entire community for their dedication and support of Rossbrook House.

On my own behalf, I would like to express my appreciation to the Board Members for their help and assistance over the past year.

After more than 30 years as a member of the Rossbrook House Board of Directors, I am stepping down from the Board. When one looks back on those years it is sometimes difficult to articulate what contributions one has made. On reflection, I believe the Board has supplied integrity, dependability and stability and thus has received the public’s increasing support. The working of Rossbrook house has always been from the bottom up – the desires and needs of the participants.

I always remember that most of the winners of the Kateri awards for volunteering at Rossbrook House said they received more than they have given. I certainly feel that way.

John Guy, Chairperson