Increase Support Without Wallet Taking Bigger Hit

Did you know that you can increase your support without your wallet taking a bigger hit?

Many employers, both Canadian and American, have matching gift programs. Some employers not only match financial support to a not-for-profit, they’ll also provide a financial contribution as a match to employees’ volunteer hours.


Does your employer have a program like this? Just ask.

It’s likely your HR department or intranet system would have some information on this. And if not, they may be open to creating one. This is a great way for employers to enhance their reputation with corporate responsibility.

Are you retired? A stay-at-home spouse? A board member? Some companies will even match gifts made by you! If you used to work for them, sit on their board or if your partner currently does, just ask.

If you want your charity(s) of choice to benefit from this, it’s in your hands. Reach out to your employer for information on their matching gift program. Keep in mind some employers have guidelines on what not-for-profits they’ll support, minimum and/or maximum donation amounts eligible for matches and deadlines for submission.


Interested in securing a corporate match for your donation in support of Rossbrook House?

Some information you may need includes:

Rossbrook House Foundation’s charitable business number | 80761 4078 RR0001

Is Rossbrook House Foundation currently set up with your organization’s preferred processor?

Rossbrook House Foundation currently receives funds through various processors/facilitators, including:

  • Benevity
  • CanadaHelps
  • Charitable Impact (CHIMP)
  • Charities Aid Foundation of Canada (CAF Canada)
  • CyberGrants
  • Manitoba All Charities Campaign
  • PayPal

Need more information on Rossbrook House and the Foundation for your employer? Contact Stephanie Lambert at 204.949.4092 or