This is What Summer Looks Like at Rossbrook House

From fun outings exploring Manitoba’s hot spots, to going away to camp, or enjoying an ice-cream and hanging out with friends, this is what summer looks like at Rossbrook House. That’s what summer is made for, right?

This is what summer looks like video

Summer at Rossbrook House means the doors never close. Rossbrook is open 24 hours from the last day of school in June until the first day in September. Daily activities are planned for ages 6-24 and include a daily meal.




Some of the activities include:

The Youth Leadership program is in full swing.

Camp Maskwa- a one-week camp for youth that runs for 2 weeks in July

Day camps for ages 6-11.

Beach days, parks, pools, festivals, crafts… It’s all a part of summer at Rossbrook House.

What participants have to say video

Rossbrook House participants love going to camp, and to fun places around Manitoba! Summer is for new experiences like catching your first fish and new adventures.

It’s going to be a great summer!