Archives for donations

Confused by legacy gifts?

To assist with ensuring the best stewarding of Rossbrook House supporters and donations, Rossbrook House Foundation is a proud member of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) Manitoba Chapter. “CAGP Manitoba is the province’s premier organization for fundraisers and professional advisors who support their donors and clients to make philanthropic planned and legacy gifts.”   Wait, aren’t planned and legacy gifts the same thing?  While legacy gifts are planned gifts, they are not the only type of planned gift. Another way to think of planned giving is as strategic charitable giving. “Strategic charitable gift planning is a donor-centred process of
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“Rossbrook House gave me a Second Chance at Life.”

Ensure children and youth continue to have a safe place. Donate today! Former Rossbrook House participant/staff Chantel St. Germaine says that Rossbrook House gave her a second chance at life.   “Gangs, crime, and poverty made it tough to grow up in the inner city. For my siblings and me, Rossbrook House was a safe place to go after school and on weekends. We had meals and fun activities! My childhood was not the greatest, but every day that I walked through those doors, I felt at home. Rossbrook House helped me to feel like a ‘regular kid’. My two eldest
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A Reflection on Giving

November is filled with opportunities to give back and to reflect on giving. From the awarding of scholarships to members of the Rossbrook House community November 2, to National Philanthropy Day November 15 where Manitobans celebrate those who give back to their communities, to GivingTuesday November 28, the world’s largest generosity movement. Rossbrook House and Rossbrook House Foundation are grateful for those who choose to give in support of Rossbrook House.   Those who give through financial support, through one of the many channels the Foundation is pleased to offer. Gifts in memory of loved ones, monthly donations, raffle tickets,
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Ways to Support Rossbrook House- Part 2

  As touched on in September’s article, supporting an organization or cause can take many forms, from volunteering to donating to advocacy. The form can often vary from person to person based on their individual resources, priorities, capacity, and values. With that in mind, Rossbrook House Foundation is pleased to offer its supporters a variety of ways to support the Foundation and Rossbrook House. Volunteering Rossbrook House Foundation is grateful for a dedicated volunteer board of directors and various committees. The board, assisted by the committees & Foundation staff, strives, through various fundraising activities and stewardship of investments, to meet or exceed the
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Summer 2023

  Rossbrook House and the Foundation were grateful to receive just over 17,000 entries into June’s Great Canadian Giving Challenge. While we didn’t win the grand prize of $20,000, we are appreciative of the support we received. Support that was directed to summer programming. The Challenge may be over, however, summer is still going strong! “I like summer because we go swimming at the outdoor pools and walk to the park.” – Emily, age 10 Donations in support of Rossbrook House are integral to helping ensure that children and youth continue to have a safe place to belong, play, learn and
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Update: Cleaner Air, Safer Space

  As you may be aware, since its establishment in 1976, Rossbrook House prides itself on being a safe place for children and youth ages 6 to 24 to belong, play, learn and become… Now, 47 years later they find themselves in need of updating 658 Ross Ave, an aging building which was built in 1948, specifically the building aspects which contribute to safer CO2 ventilation and High Efficiency Furnaces that work together in accordance with current ASHRAE guidelines. Thanks to our generous supporters, we have surpassed our original goal of $150,000, receiving just over $160,000 in support of the
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Can you help?

Thank you to all who have donated. The work has begun as of late summer/early fall 2023. Rossbrook House needs your help. We need to raise $150,000 for cleaner air and a safer physical environment. Rossbrook House is working with Rossbrook House Foundation to better serve the children and youth who drop in for learning, fun, and daily meals. The heating and air conditioning system at 658 Ross Avenue needs to be upgraded. We need a new HVAC system and mould remediation. At the same time, we want to add sound-absorbing material in the main hall so that the acoustics are
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Donation Methods & Associated Costs

  A few years ago, Rossbrook House Foundation reached out to you, our supporters, to seek feedback and hear what you thought about Rossbrook House. One of the questions we asked was about your preferred method of making a financial donation and one respondent told us that it “should be whatever method is most cost effective for Rossbrook House”.  With that in mind, we have looked at the costs associated with the different methods of making a financial donation and wanted to share our findings with you. Our hope is that you find this information useful in deciding what method of
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Increase Support Without Wallet Taking Bigger Hit

Did you know that you can increase your support without your wallet taking a bigger hit? Many employers, both Canadian and American, have matching gift programs. Some employers not only match financial support to a not-for-profit, they’ll also provide a financial contribution as a match to employees’ volunteer hours.   Does your employer have a program like this? Just ask. It’s likely your HR department or intranet system would have some information on this. And if not, they may be open to creating one. This is a great way for employers to enhance their reputation with corporate responsibility. Are you
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